From my heart to yours...

Sister Circles

A weekly free offering for ALL women. Our goal is to create a safe, nourishing space for us all to connect, uplift one another and experience the deeply healing medicine of sisterhood. We meet Thursday's at 5:30p PDT/7:30p CDT via Zoom.

Email Newsletter

Elevate your inbox with inspiration and love from my heart to yours in a weekly email. I share insights from my own experience, stories, and offerings to help you on your healing journey.

Conquering Codependency Podcast

Listen in to this inspiring chat I had with RJ Zimmerman, sober coach, on insight into breaking free from codependency and stepping in to your confident, most expressed self.

Empower Your Mental Health Podcast

Listen in to this candid conversation I had with RJ Zimmerman where we dive into how I got to where I am today and anecdotes to empower your own self love journey whilst supporting your mental health.