It brings me SO much joy to bring life-long positive shifts to people's lives.
See what clients are saying...

"Diana is compassionate, gentle, and free flowing. I was so impressed and surprised by the way she got me to open up about my deeply rooted trauma by beginning our session with such a simple question, “how are you feeling today?” Diana has made me feel comfortable and safe while helping me release the negative energy that was stored in my body, and teaching me new tools to work through future emotions that may arise. She is committed to helping her clients reach the highest version of themselves and to helping them implement self love into their everyday lives. She helped remind me who I aspire to be, and what my higher purpose is. I left the session feeling enlightened and empowered. She even followed up with notes, which included new coping strategies and homework (which I love!). With her guidance and by implementing these tools into my daily life, I have started to feel more at peace with myself and with others."
- Mary S.

Diana's style of coaching is something you won't find anywhere else. When she asked me what I was looking for, I told her "a bit of everything" and she gave me exactly that. I took up both life coaching and personal training sessions with her. We started with the life coaching sessions first. She helped me organize my thoughts and desires around the direction I wanted my life to flow towards. Sometimes she gave me tips I could integrate into my routine, other times she gave me the reassurance that I was already on the right path and just needed some patience and persistence before significant results would manifest. She takes a very holistic approach to her practice. I feel like she got a good sense of what drives me because our training sessions felt super catered to me. Before every session Diana asked me how I was feeling that day and was willing to make adjustments on the fly, she definitely knows her stuff. If you're looking for someone who's down to earth, ready to help you become a stronger, more resilient version of yourself and do it all in a nurturing environment I would highly recommend working with Diana.
-Pete B.

Diana is a gift from the universe. She came into my life and I immediately fell in love with her energy. She makes me feel like I have someone cheering me on from the corner at all times, someone who I feel safe to express anything to because of her warm welcoming and non-judgemental energy. She has created a space for me that no one ever has - a space for me to open up and feel the things we are usually told are bad. At the end of each call when she would ask how I’m feeling now all I could say each time was ‘excited’ because that’s how she makes me feel about life. Excited to meet the ‘me’ we talk about, excited for the new sense of love I have for ‘current me’, and just excited about life. Diana has introduced me to new healing techniques and new practices to further grow and expand myself, things I thought I was not capable of doing.
-Grace H.

What makes Diana's style of coaching so incredible is the seamless way she manages to get through all my walls and hang-ups and get to the root of my a pleasant manner, might I add. Every. Single. Time. we had a session, I felt like a brand new person! Not only a new person but a person with purpose and direction! I came to many calls with a sense of purgatory and lost emotions and feelings. I left with a sense of self, worth, and direction. What struck me most is her ability to feel, even through a phone. Diana is real and transparent. It left me with a welcoming feeling and really helped me let my guard down.
-Sam B.

Before coaching with Diana, I was troubled by a bad breakup that was still hurting. I was stuck on this hurtful cycle of ruminating that I couldn’t seem to get out of. I had been getting better but this hurt just wouldn’t leave my mind and heart. I got so much from one chat from Diana. One tool specifically was the exercise of listing what attributes and non-negotiables I want in a partner and this exercise she walked me through was incredibly beneficial because I was, for the first time in a very long time, thinking about what I want in a partner. The redirection of my focus tending to what is best for me was therapeutic in itself. I forgot what it was like to care about and think about what I want. Then, this list was useful to help me break out of this hurtful cycle of rumination over the hurtful breakup. I could stop myself and remember that this person did not embody what I want in a partner, so I could redirect my focus to what is right for me. I really needed this and it helped tremendously. I was able to finally move forward from being stuck on something hurting me from the past. Diana also asked me questions, with such gentleness and care, that opened my mind to underlying traumas and responses that really helped me on a foundational level.
-Izzy G.

If you need encouragement, motivation, and/or reassurance, Diana delicately delivers. I tend to be a positive and inspired individual, but life has been throwing everything it has at me recently. I wanted to meet and speak with Diana for a few different reasons, but mainly because I am an aspiring artist that tends to struggle with maintaining motivation for the creation of art at times. When we met, she was persistent in asking questions that provoked me to truly think about what I want with my life, as well as what I can do for myself to help find inner peace throughout the trials and tribulations. She has lots of wisdom to offer, and a lot of what she says resonates with me. I specifically remember her asking me “What do you think you need to do, in terms of pursuing a career in music?”, and while it is something that I think about quite often, it is something that I very rarely have a sound answer to. Questions like that (as well as uncomfortable questions that are difficult to handle, but necessary to being asked) are the reason Diana delivers, without failure, whenever she’s coaching somebody in life. If you need a boost mentally through conversation, or you are just looking for a very thought-provoking conversation, I highly recommend speaking with Diana, as she is an extraordinary life coach.
-Cam C.
It has been an incredibly rewarding experience working with Diana. She has a unique talent for creating a calming and welcoming atmosphere, which has allowed me to feel comfortable and open in our conversations. Diana is an exceptional listener and is able to understand and connect with me on a deep level. As a result, I have felt completely rejuvenated and at ease after our sessions, and I have made significant progress on the issues we have addressed. Diana is a compassionate and non-judgmental coach, and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking emotional growth and inspiration.
-Lena S.

Before starting my calls with Diana, I was scatterbrained, overthinking things in multiple aspects of my life, and I had some personal issues that I wasn't sure how to handle. Diana was able to listen to my lengthy explanations, ask questions that made me think deeply, view issues from other perspectives, and just be there as an outlet to let me get out all that was racing through my mind. The around the clock support and deep dive into what I needed help with have allowed me to focus on what really matters for my life. I love the notes I receive after our calls, detailing what I can do to maintain focus, create/improve habits and record the main topics on our call to reflect back on. I have been able to take away something from every call like prioritization/organization strategies, meditation and SELF CARE techniques. All whilst having an open, non- judgmental, interested in your life, FRIEND to be available for you. (Even during a Typhoon!) I am excited and eager to continue our calls!
-Zac M.

Diana has helped me in so many ways and was born to do this work. I found Diana while scrolling late night on IG from my couch when my heart was hurting from a personal circumstance. I loved her sweet and kind approach to understanding and validating my pain. While working her she would help me try on different scenarios and solutions with no judgement. Diana has a gift with words and relating to my humanness all while keeping it real. She has helped me tremendously and will forever be my go-to wisdom coach as I like to call her.
- Melinda R.
"The universe gifted me with Diana’s teachings during a chapter of my life that had been overcome with fear and uncertainty. A near decade-long addiction to opiates had led me down the slow and painful path of destruction. Facing the recent loss of my military career, extreme financial hardship, and severely damaged interpersonal relationships, Diana became a beacon of light in my early stages of recovery by igniting a sense of hope within me that I never knew existed! Through her gentle approach and loving kindness, Diana set the standard by treating me the way I desperately needed to treat myself. Our sessions together instilled newly found perspectives and approaches to circumstances, while embracing life on life’s terms. I now see life through a new lense, and I am forever grateful!"
-Andrew E.
Life Coaching is...
a loving, safe space for peeling back the layers of conditioning and beliefs that no longer serve you to reveal your truest, most authentic expression in this life.
Through inquiry and advocacy, we deeply explore all of the possibilities that exist for you and how best to manifest them from a place of love. Life coaching is not about "fixing" you or achieving "perfection" - there's nothing to be fixed and there's no such thing as perfect - it's about unveiling your absolute truth and stepping into your personal power.